We are delighted to welcome you to your new home.

A welcome pack is provided on the kitchen table. This section provides additional help for tenants. Alternative contact numbers are also shown on your notice board. With the specific exception of the Emergency Services, (police, fire, ambulance etc), all issues must be reported to us first.

If you have a problem, please view the appropriate topics below to see if you can resolve it yourself. If this is not possible, send a maintenance request email to [email protected] and state:

  1. your name
  2. your telephone number
  3. the property address and room(s) affected
  4. a description of the problem with photographs as necessary, and
  5. confirmation that all tenants consent to persons entering the property to deal with the issue.

Only call 07740 309 077 in case of emergencies.

Emergency contacts

EmergencyPolice, Fire, Ambulance999
GasTransco0800 111 999
ElectricityWestern Power Distribution0800 365 900
WaterSouth West Water0344 346 2020