
To find your electric supplier, call Western Power Distribution on 0800 096 3080.


As soon as you move in, please call your utility companies with your meter readings. An (E) will appear by the reading if it is estimated. Give regular, accurate meter readings so you can keep an eye on your bill.

Not paying your bills on time will lead to a red reminder letter. If you ignore this, your gas supply maybe disconnected. If you are having difficulty paying, contact the utility company immediately.

Shared house billing services

Services such as Split the Bill and Homebox combine all bills into a single monthly payment for each student. We do not endorse any specific company and recommend you seek further advice before entering into an agreement.


For emergencies only, call Western Power Distribution on 0800 365 900 and the Landlord.

Do NOT attempt to fix electrical maintenance problems yourself. Contact us and we will arrange for an electrician.

Power outages

Most fuse boxes have circuit breakers (switches which can be reset by hand). In the event of a power failure to any part of the property, check that none of the circuit breakers have tripped. Contact us for more advice.

If there is a complete power failure to the whole of your property, check with your neighbours to see if they are affected. Report area failures to Western Power Distribution on 0800 365 900.